Every day, excess weight in a person accumulates a little bit, at a slow pace. And so you need to lose weight the same way, very slowly. But, you see, there are situations when there is a great need to lose 10 kg in a month: a wedding, graduation, an important evening. Anything can happen, which is why the question of how to lose 10 kg in a month is so relevant. Let's try to find the answer!
Lose weight by 10 kg per month is real. To do this, you need to choose the components for your future program - diet, training, water regimen, fat burning procedures, or all at once. You will need to go to the very end and strictly follow all the instructions. And only then, the results will be indicative.
The final results of losing weight are completely dependent on the person. If you have been stubbornly involved in sports for a month, followed a dietary diet, followed all the rules and recommendations, then you can lose weight up to 10 kg (+/-3 kg) in a month. Such results are possible for both men and women.
A woman will have to try hard to lose a dozen kilos in 30 days. And therefore, she needs to draw up a daily weight loss schedule and strictly follow it. In this regard, it is a little easier for men, their body is not subject to hormonal changes, so it will not be difficult to get rid of extra pounds within a month, plus the muscles will strengthen and the figure will become athletic.
We put a ban
First of all, I would like to highlight what you can not do when losing weight:
- Starve. During the refusal of food, the body begins to accumulate fat. Weight loss itself occurs, but only due to dehydration. From this it should be concluded that as soon as you start eating, extra pounds will come at a double speed, in double size!
- Go on strict diets. In other words, limit yourself to food. The principle is the same as during fasting. Moreover, you deprive your body of vital elements, vitamins. How can you talk about healthy weight loss, a slim figure without them? Therefore, if you want to lose 10 kg in a month, you need to change the diet itself, and not try to eat little food or not eat it at all! Got it? Let's go further!
- Take pills and drugs for weight loss. Perhaps they are effective, they really help to lose a couple of extra pounds, but first, try to weigh their benefits, the guarantee of results, and the harm they cause to the body! After all, then restoring health is not so easy, and in some cases even impossible! Think about whether it is worth taking harmful chemicals for quick and short-term weight loss, or is it better to independently, but reliably, steadily go towards your goal? ! We insist that you choose the second way! :)
Actionable Tips
Now let's move on to tips on how to lose 10 kg in a month.
Arguing on this topic, it is important to say that it is impossible to leave everything as it is. If everything was fine with you, you would not ask this question. And since it has arisen, then something needs to be changed, especially if you need to lose weight by the summer! It is for this reason that we insist on changing the way of life in order to achieve our goal!
There is nothing complicated here. You don’t need to starve, you don’t need to go on strict diets either, so just removing harmful, high-calorie foods from your diet is as easy as shelling pears.
Be sure to minimize, if possible, exclude:
- Sweet (chocolate, sweets, marmalades)
- Flour (bread, any other flour products, in particular, cakes, cakes, pasta)
- Fried (forget about fried potatoes, meat, mushrooms, meatballs)
- Spicy (we advise you to limit yourself to spicy dishes)
- Salt (it is best to add more seasonings to spice dishes, and remove the salt altogether)
- Smoked (legs, sausages, smoked ribs - all this contains a large amount of fat, so we remove it from the diet)
But to add to the diet, and as much as possible, we advise the following:
- Fruits, vegetables (they contain a lot of vitamins, elements necessary for the body, and few calories)
- Low-fat dairy products (we categorically do not allow drinking milk with 6% fat content, but here you are 1. 5% - please)
- Meat, boiled, steamed or baked (protein must be in the diet of a person who is losing weight)
- Eggs (only boiled)
- Freshly squeezed juices (it is better to refuse store-bought ones, because they contain a lot of sugar)
- Fiber (muesli, cereals, cereals; they are especially good for breakfast)
- Water (if you want to speed up your metabolism, cleanse your body of toxins, toxins, be sure to drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day)
It is also important to give the following tips that will help you lose 10 kg of weight per month guaranteed:
- get enough sleep
- Do not overeat, it is better to undereat a little, but eat an hour earlier than to regret overeating and gaining extra pounds
- Take multivitamins to lose 10 kg in a month (they will not harm, but only strengthen your health, immunity, help you lose weight)
- Try not to be nervous, because very often the cause of extra pounds is stress. Therefore, be in harmony with yourself! : )
- Try to move more throughout the day: do not use the elevator, get up one stop earlier than necessary, bend over if necessary, squat, etc.
- Do not forget about physical activity (sign up for swimming, go to the gym, work out at home, do exercises for weight loss), and the duration of sports should be at least 1. 5 hours a day!
If you follow all these recommendations, then losing 10 kg in a month is very easy! But also do not forget about motivation, because it is she who will help you not to go astray! : )
It is important to note that losing 1 kg of weight per month is a fairly large weight loss, which may not have a very pleasant effect on your health. We advise you to consult with your doctor before losing weight.